Lista concurenților calificați in finala din 5 Martie 2022. #selectianationala2022 1. Alex Parker feat. Bastien 2. Andrei Petruș 3. Cream, Minodora, Diana Bucșă 4. PETRA 5. Kyrie Mendel 6. MØISE 7. Gabriel Basco 8. VANU 9. WRS 10. Dora Gaitanovici
Lista concurenților calificați in finala din 5 Martie 2022. #selectianationala2022 1. Alex Parker feat. Bastien 2. Andrei Petruș 3. Cream, Minodora, Diana Bucșă 4. PETRA 5. Kyrie Mendel 6. MØISE 7. Gabriel Basco 8. VANU 9. WRS 10. Dora Gaitanovici
The special Jury has decided. TVR has released the 46th finalist for Selecția Națională. Here are the following 46th contestants for the Romanian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. Turin is the host city and ‘The Sound of Beauty’ might be the theme art created. We, ALLAROUNDTHEWORLD team wishes all the best to all […]
The Romanian broadcaster TVR has announced the contests of the National Selection (Selecția Națională). The jury composed from: Alexandra Ungureanu (singer, National Finale 2003 participant, Asia Express Romania 2021) Ozana Barabancea (well known jazz singer in Romania and no only) Randi (singer and producer, juror in National Finale 2016) Cristian Faur (composer of “Let Me […]